Européen: Political studies in English

Classique 900 x 700 px 3

Strasbourg is home to the Council of Europe, The European Parliament and the European Court of Human Rights.

The Accès Européen track includes:

   Courses in European history, politics, law and economics at Sciences Po, all in English

     Housing with a local host family or in a student boarding house with French students


     Service learning and internship possibilities

   ​​​​​​​ Excursions to historical and cultural sites in the region throughout the semester

   ​​​​​​​ Accès office and library near the University campus with onsite American directors

   ​​​​​​​  Your own bike for the semester

Européen track students take all of their classes at the Institut d'Études Politiques de Strasbourg, commonly called "Sciences-Po", one of the most prestigeous universities in France.  Students take 4 units of courses for a total of 15 credits:

Unit 1: French language, 3 credits

Unit 2: Four fundamental courses, 6 credits total

Unit 3: Applied European studies, 3 credits

Unit 4: Choice of any two courses, 3 credits total

The course offerings may change slightly from one semester to another.