Européen: Political studies in English
Strasbourg is home to the Council of Europe, The European Parliament and the European Court of Human Rights.
The Accès Européen track includes:
Courses in European history, politics, law and economics at Sciences Po, all in English
Housing with a local host family or in a student boarding house with French students
Study tours of the European institutions of Strasbourg.
Service learning and internship possibilities
Excursions to historical and cultural sites in the region throughout the semester
Accès office and library near the University campus with onsite American directors
Your own bike for the semester
Européen track students take all of their classes at the Institut d'Études Politiques de Strasbourg, commonly called "Sciences-Po", one of the most prestigeous universities in France. Students take 4 units of courses for a total of 15 credits:
Unit 1: French language, 3 credits
Unit 2: Four fundamental courses, 6 credits total
Unit 3: Applied European studies, 3 credits
Unit 4: Choice of any two courses, 3 credits total
The course offerings may change slightly from one semester to another.