Sample à la carte tours
Here are some examples of customized study tours we have recently designed:
Paris-Strasbourg-Frankfurt, 10 days
- hotel accomodation with breakfast 3 nights Paris, 3 nights Strasbourg, 3 nights Frankfurt
- activities & guided tours: cooking class, folk dancing, service
project, Rhine river cruise, concerts, visits of EU institutions...
- choice of local day trips near each city, museum passes
- local transportation
$2,100/ student*
Strasbourg-Paris, 19 days
- 15 nights homestays in Strasbourg with breakfast and
dinner, 3 nights hotel in Paris with breakfast
- activities & guided tours: cooking class, folk dancing,
service project, concerts, conference at EU institutions...
- choice of four local day trips: Nancy, Colmar, Haut-
Koenigsbourg, Verdun, Heidelberg, Frankfurt, Basel...
- use of classroom, conferences by local faculty
- local transportation and bike rental
- Paris museum pass
$3,200/ student*
Strasbourg, 4 days
- 3 nights homestays with
breakfast and dinner
- choice of activities & visits
- choice of local day trips
- use of classroom, confer-
ences by local faculty
- bike rental
- local transportation
$950/ student*
* Prices include accomodation for 1 teacher or professor per 12 students, are estimates for groups of at least 12 students, may change depending on selection of options, do not include international airfare.